Friday, September 25, 2009

Salty Vegan

My doctor says I need to eat more salt. I have taken this as a free pass to eat all of the tortilla chips I can possibly ever want. Last night was Mexican night; I made a layered dip with refried black beans, vegan queso, guacamole and salsa. I just finished off the last of the queso, along with Grace, and am planning on licking the bowl clean as soon as I finish this post. It's that good. Maybe I will share the recipe with you sometime. But you have to beg.

October is VeganMoFo...the Vegan Month of Food. Bloggers all over the world go crazy and try to post something vegan every day. I don't know if I will sign up. I mean, this is a pretty pathetic blog. Who is gonna care? There are thousands of awesome vegan blogs out there that are professional looking, and people that have good cameras that can actually take appetizing photos of the food they are eating. These people make up their own recipes and write cookbooks. I am, as always, a dork in a sea of people that are cooler than me. But I enjoy blogging. And eating. So I may take the challenge.

How will I get some more salt into my diet so that my blood pressure isn't so close to a dead person's? How much weight will I gain in the attempt? How can I use up those three cans of crushed pineapple? Why did I buy them in the first place? Will Grace ever stop whining? Stay tuned to find out.

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